Is Card Counting Illegal In Singapore?

Table of Contents

What is card counting?
As always, we want to provide you with a little summary of what card counting is before you actually look at whether it is illegal or not. So, card counting is the act that one takes when trying to predict what cards would appear and in what order during the entire course of the game. For example, if a dealer is using four decks of cards as the deck hand for the table. Then, the card counter would be the first to sit and access the situation to understand what are the cards that are coming to his hand, and which are the ones that will be going to the opponents.
This is the way of how a card counter is able to accurately guess as to which card will land in the hands of the dealer and which hand is going to be landing their way. Now, some of you may questions as to what this has to do about the game. Well, it has all to do with it, one can easily estimate their bet sizes and adjust accordingly to the hand that is going to be dealt. From here, one can always be on the front foot and winning all the time.

So, is card counting illegal in Singapore?
Here comes the main question and purpose of this entire article, this is where we are going to determine as to is card counting actually illegal is the Singapore casino. This is where we have found that card counting in casino in Singapore is actually considered legal. However, we would say that from our experience, you would actually get quite a bad reputation if you card count in Singapore even if it is legal. There are also certain criteria as to how you card count which could determine if it is legal or not. For example, if you have managed to hone the skill of card counting mentally, then you would be able to card count in Singapore and it is perfectly legal.
How we define card counting mentally, is when you are not assisted by any tools when you are playing the blackjack game. This is where you are generally figuring out the order of the cards and identifying the overall pattern of how the cards will be rearranged in the game, all through calculation in your head and not through any other means. This is what we mean by mental calculations. This form of skill is very difficult to use or learn in general and it is even harder to execute it in the real-life scene in the casino. The reason it is very difficult for one to execute this in real life is because many times in the casino, they would have a timer ready on hand that would induce you to speed up your bet decision making timing. From there, you might either not be able to complete your calculation and forced to just play your hand or lose focus. Either way, these are the casino’s safeguard mechanisms to ensure that you do not get ahead of them in the game.
So, what defines illegal card counting in Singapore. Card counting is only found to be illegal if you are counting cards via the use of a machine in the casino. This is where many have tried using a device that assist them in counting the cards. From there, this device will inform the person using them to either play or not to play the hand. This is considered illegal in not just Singapore but also the rest of the world as well. This is why casinos will often crack down on this and ensure that these players are backlisted and never allowed back into the casino again. In fact, it is not just that they will do, they would also induce a hefty fine and perhaps even jail time for the player. Thus, we would say that tit is better for everyone to just not do this at all as if you do not that, you can practically never gamble in any online casino Singapore ever again.